- Thousands Witness 'Holy Fire' Miracle in Jerusalem
- Harvest America: 400 Churches Catch Greg Laurie's Vision; Number Still Growing
- John Piper: I'm 'Amazed' I'm Still a Christian
- NYC Pastor's Tweets Get XXX Billboard Removed
- New English Translation of Bible Omits 'Jesus Christ,' 'Angel'
- If Solomon Had Been Aboard the Titanic
- Ariz. Senate Passes Bill Allowing Bible Classes in Public Schools
- Former Crystal Cathedral Pastor Robert A. Schuller Renting Out Home as Spiritual Retreat
- Tim Tebow and Dwyane Wade Booed at Yankees Game
- Houston Law Makes Food Giveaway a Crime?
- False Conversions Are the Suicide of the Church, Pastor Warns
- Liberal Christians Disagree With Paul Ryan: GOP Budget Not Biblical
- Were Adam and Eve 'Cavemen?' Christian Apologetics Debate Continues
- No 'Vision Shift' After Mark Driscoll Leaves Acts 29 Leadership
- Pastor Matt Chandler Mentions Church Member Lauren Scruggs' Accident
- Narnia 4 Will Be 'Magician's Nephew,' Not 'Silver Chair'
- Pastor: Global Evangelism 'Tragically Neglected'
- Komen Announces Plans to Fund 17 Planned Parenthood Affiliates
- Bubba Watson Speaks About Giving His Life to Jesus, PGA Bible Study
- North Korea: Persecution Watchdog Launches Prayer Event on 'Day of the Sun'
- Sweden Has Become the Manchester United of Giving on Overseas Aid
- US Megachurches, Hundreds of Christians Targeted in Ponzi Scheme?
- Samsung Galaxy S2 Ice Cream Sandwich Update Coming Soon, HTC EVO 4G Also Upgrading
- On the 100th Anniversary of the Titanic
- Crystal Cathedral's New CEO: Congregation, Donations Doubled After Schullers' Departure
- Planned Parenthood Promotes Prayer Campaign; Gives Thanks for Legalized Abortion
- Mark Driscoll Steps Down as Leader of Acts 29; Resigns From Gospel Coalition
- Ron Sider: Obama, GOP Budgets Both Inadequate
- U.S. House Candidate Tells Congress to Read the Bible, Not 'Obama's Book'
- Ex-Crystal Cathedral Pastor Sheila Schuller Coleman, New Church 'Looking Forward'
- Jesus Tomb Discovery Team's 'Jonah Whale' a Deception, Say Scholars
- Judge Set to Rule on NASA Intelligent Design Case
- Is Faith Believing What You Know Ain't So?
- Thousands Witness 'Holy Fire' Miracle in Jerusalem

Mark Driscoll Pokes Fun at Liberty University 'Kerfuffle'
Mars Hill Church founding pastor Mark Driscoll responded to controversy over being chosen as a guest speaker at Liberty University in Virginia by poking fun at the apparent inaccuracy of a blogger who claimed the megachurch pastor was not welcome at the campus.
Gay Activists Call Obama 'Coward' Over Failure to Sign Executive Order
Homosexual activists are outraged over President Obama's refusal to sign an executive order that would bar federal contractors from discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. A key activist called Obama a "coward" and plans to execute a "We Can't Wait" campaign to draw attention to the issue.
Time for US to Have Its 'Big Ben Minute' to Defeat Evil?
By Alex Murashko
The president of a Christian publishing company from Maryland points to Britain's "Big Ben Minute" during World War II as a catalyst in the defeat of Germany's Third Reich as a good reason for people in the U.S. to engage in a daily minute of prayer to defeat evil.
Law and Gospel: Part 3
Get a Job!
Obama, Romney: Self-Professed Christians Whom Many Christians Don't Believe Actually Are Christians
CJ Mahaney: How Pastors Can Resist Losing Heart
Angry Nerds
Can You Be a 'Gay Christian?'

I receive multitudes of emails on a daily basis from people who encourage me to accept my homosexual feelings rather than turn from them. These people claim that they know Christ, and that His will is for them to pursue their homosexual preferences. In the video posted here I will expound on why this can't be true.
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