
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

End Times ::END TIMES NEWS ALERTS :: 07 Aug 12

"Last Generation Forums" :: End Times ::END TIMES NEWS ALERTS :: 07 Aug 12
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  AuthorTopic: 07 Aug 12 (Read 1 time)
Michael James Stone
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 07 Aug 12
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07 Aug 12

Michael Oren: The World Talks as Iran Acts to Destroy Israel
Michael Oren, Israel’s Ambassador to the United States' op-ed article in The Wall Street Journal was another implied hint that Israel cannot wait much longer before trying to delay Iran’s nuclear program with a military attack, and such articles by the ambassador to the United States presumably are coordinated with Israel's highest officials. 

Emigration hits lowest mark in 40 years
Emigration from Israel is at its lowest in 40 years, according to figures released by the Central Bureau of Statistics on Monday. During 2010 a total of 15,600 Israelis left to live abroad, of whom 94 percent were Jewish and six percent Arab. The figure compares to 15,900 who left in 2009. The emigration rate is now 0.7 for every 1000 citizens, the lowest it has been since 1973. 

Egypt deploys gunships in Sinai Peninsula following insurgent attack
Officials say Egypt has deployed at least two helicopter gunships to the Sinai Peninsula in the hunt for militants behind the killing of 16 Egyptian soldiers at a checkpoint along the border with Israel. Security and military officials said Monday that more aircraft were expected to arrive in the town of El-Arish ahead of a military campaign against the militants in the area. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media. 

More than 1,300 Syrians, including general, flee to Turkey
A Syrian brigadier-general was among more than 1,300 refugees who fled to Turkey to escape escalating violence in Syria overnight, the Turkish Foreign Ministry said on Tuesday. Another 11 military officers were also among the arrivals, bringing the number of Syrian refugees in Turkey to 47,500 people, the ministry said on Twitter. 

Greece rounds up thousands of immigrants in weekend sweep
Greek police arrested more than 1,000 immigrants and detained thousands more in a massive weekend sweep that comes as the strapped nation has increasingly soured on hosting foreigners. The vast roundup in Athens was jarringly named Xenios Zeus -- after the Greek god known as the patron of hospitality. Police stopped and detained 6,000 immigrants, out of whom 1,600 were arrested for illegally entering Greece and sent to holding centers, according to the Associated Press. Greek media reported that similar sweeps are in the works for other cities. 

Thousands of fish die as Midwest streams heat up
Thousands of fish are dying in the Midwest as the hot, dry summer dries up rivers and causes water temperatures to climb in some spots to nearly 100 degrees. About 40,000 shovelnose sturgeon were killed in Iowa last week as water temperatures reached 97 degrees. Nebraska fishery officials said they've seen thousands of dead sturgeon, catfish, carp, and other species in the Lower Platte River, including the endangered pallid sturgeon. 

Floods paralyse Philippine capital Manila
At least eight people have been reported dead as torrential rain caused flooding that paralysed most parts of the Philippine capital, Manila. The flooding - neck-deep in some areas - forced tens of thousands of people to flee their homes, closing schools, offices and the stock exchange. Eight members of one family died after a landslide hit shanty houses in Quezon City, reports said. 

Trump renews push to unseal Obama records
Donald Trump is calling on Obama to release his sealed records in exchange for Gov. Mitt Romney’s tax returns, declaring it would be “a wonderful trade.” “I’ve said it a lot, that if Obama opened up his records, maybe Mitt should give his returns,” Trump told Fox News’ “Fox & Friends.” “That would be a great trade. I guarantee it would be a really wonderful trade.” 

World News Syndicated New Zealand's Mt Tongariro erupts, ash cloud causes disruptions
HUNDREDS of travellers have been left stranded after the eruption of Mt Tongariro on New Zealand's North Island caused road closures and flight cancellations. 

Rule - We’re At Risk Of A Spectacular Collapse Of Confidence
“We have a serious issue in the United States. At the federal level, the shortfall in the US is $85 trillion and that doesn’t include state and local debt. They are trying to deal with this issue by pumping money into the system.” “If we have $85 trillion in net present liabilities at the Federal government level, how is it going to make it better by taking it up to $87 trillion or $88 trillion? 

PM: If Iran goes nuclear, it may actually use bomb
If Iran gets a nuclear bomb it may actually use it, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Monday, rejecting the notion that Tehran would act responsibly if it became a member of the world’s nuclear “club.” 

New intelligence reveals Iranian military nuclear program advancing faster than previously thought
New intelligence information obtained by Israel and four Western countries indicates that Iran has made greater progress on developing components for its nuclear weapons program than the West had previously realized, according to Western diplomats and Israeli officials who are closely involved in efforts to prevent Iran from building a nuclear bomb. 

Floods paralyse Philippine capital Manila
At least eight people have been reported dead as torrential rain caused flooding that paralysed most parts of the Philippine capital, Manila. The flooding - neck-deep in some areas - forced tens of thousands of people to flee their homes, closing schools, offices and the stock exchange. Eight members of one family died after a landslide hit shanty houses in Quezon City, reports said. 

US responsible for hostages' lives in Syria: Iran
Iran said Tuesday that it was holding the United States responsible for the lives of 48 of its citizens taken hostage in Syria, following an unconfirmed report by a Syrian rebel group that three of them had been killed by shelling. 

How Obama's Hollywood Backers Have Outsourced Jobs
Another week, another Hollywood fundraiser for President Obama. And why not? From George Clooney's house in Los Angeles to Sarah Jessica Parker's townhouse in Manhattan, the Hollywood crowd has been a virtual ATM for the Obama campaign. All that Hollywood cash has helped pay for ads hammering Mitt Romney for maximizing profits by shipping American jobs overseas during his time at the helm of Bain Capital. But Hollywood knows a thing or two about outsourcing too. 

Syria defiant after PM Riad Hijab defection
Syria's new cabinet has begun work, after Prime Minister Riad Hijab defected and denounced Damascus's "terrorist regime". Information Minister Omran al-Zoubi said Mr Hijab had not yet appeared in person and he rejected reports of other ministerial defections. Meanwhile, Iran's security chief has made an unexpected visit to Damascus in an apparent step change in diplomacy. 

Nigeria church attack in Kogi state 'kills 15'
At least 15 people have been killed in a gun attack on a church in central Nigeria, officials say. Gunmen stormed the church near the city of Okene in Kogi state and fired on worshippers, they say. "I can confirm 15 [dead]," a spokesman for Kogi state governor Jacob Edi is quoted by AFP as saying.
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