
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

THE CHRISTIAN POST: Wednesday August 8, 2012 Av 20, 5772

(Photo: AP Images / Brian Kersey)

Wheaton College's Inadvertent Abortifacient Coverage Won't Affect Lawsuit, Lawyer Says

By Napp Nazworth

Wheaton College's inadvertent previous coverage of some abortifacient drugs, also known as emergency contraceptives or "morning after" pills, will not impact its lawsuit against the federal government's birth control mandate, a lawyer for The Becket Fund, which represents Wheaton in the case, told The Christian Post.

Newspaper in Bhutan Shields Official Accused of Attacking Pastor

By Anugrah Kumar

A government official beat and threatened to kill a pastor in the Buddhist-majority nation of Bhutan last week, The Christian Post reported. However, a local newspaper claims it was a "lie," misquoting the victim and apparently siding with the official.



Romney's VP List Narrows as Speaker List for Convention Grows

By Paul Stanley

The Republican National Committee has released the names of several high-profile Republican speakers who will take the podium at the party's Tampa, Fla., convention later this month. Yet appearing on the speakers roster means one's name was mostly likely scratched off the Romney campaign's list of vice presidential prospects – assuming it was there in the first place.

More than 60 leaders of Christian and pro-family organizations signed a letter extending their support for Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy and his biblical position on family.

The political campaign committee that sponsored California's Proposition 8, a 2008 ballot initiative restricting the state's recognition of same-sex marriage, has been fined $49,000 for failing to accurately report and file the political contributions it received.

The head of the Iowa chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union is not "truly concerned" about an agreement between a public school and a church about students taking classes at the church building.

Gymnast Gabrielle "Gabby" Douglas, who wowed the world when she captured gold in the All-Around competition and helped secure another top medal for Team USA in the final, has apparently become so popular with viewers of the 2012 Summer Games that the teen is attracting millions of fans online.

Church & Ministries

Bishop Charles H. Ellis III preaches at the PCAF-PAW Unity Worship Service at the Sheraton New Orleans as Bishops from both organizations offer encouragement on Aug. 5, 2012.

PAW Bishop Charles Ellis on Unity, New Orleans, Women Bishops

By Jeff Schapiro

Presiding Bishop Charles H. Ellis III, who is entering his third year as the leader of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW), spoke with The Christian Post on Monday from the denomination's 97th annual Summer Convention in New Orleans about unity in the church, helping families in New Orleans and the fight to give women the opportunity to become bishops.

While many congregations across the country organize events like Vacation Bible School and bingo nights, one church in Ohio has decided to start a professional wrestling organization.

Evangelist Greg Laurie and his ministry partners called on Christians to become bold in telling others about Jesus during a pre-event rally for Harvest America Sunday evening. Also, it was announced that more than 1,400 churches and venues hosted by Christian leaders plan to carry the first-of-its-kind outreach event on August 26.

A megachurch in California is encouraging congregants to be "hell raiders" and realize that evangelizing isn't as hard as it seems. Though talk about hell isn't too usual at North Coast Church in Vista, Calif., Pastor Chris Brown wants Christians to start doing their job of pointing people to Christ and away from hell.

The United Methodist Church has continued to decline in the United States of America, according to reports released by all but four of the denomination's 59 conferences.

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UN Condemns Liberia's Increased Penalties for Homosexual Acts

The United Nations Human Rights Office has spoken ...

Starbucks Crowd Small at Tuesday's 'National Marriage Equality Day'

Gay marriage activists and their supporters plan ...

Church of England Sells All Its News Corp Shares; Worth $3 Million

The Church of England, the Mother Church of the ...

Have Christians Reduced Salvation to 'Get Out of Hell Free' Card?

Has salvation been reduced to a "Get Out of Hell ...

Pentecostal Assemblies of the World Convention Focuses on Unity, Outreach

Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW), the ...

Pastor and 19 Churchgoers Gunned Down in Nigeria Attack

Nigerian churches were targeted again this week ...

The GOP's Elephant in the Room: Gay Marriage

No one disputes that both Republicans and ...

Business Booming for Pa. Restaurant Dealing With Atheist Complaint

The Lost Cajun Kitchen of Columbia, which had an anti-discrimination complaint filed against it over having a church bulletin discount on Sundays, has had an increase in business since the complaint made headlines, according to its owner.

Westboro Baptist Church to Defy Obama on Military Funerals Restrictions?

The Westboro Baptist Church has vowed to work ...

'From Hectic to Healthy' Authors: 'God Meets Us In the Middle of the Storm'

Craig and Mary Jutila are the authors of a new self-help; self-empowerment book entitled "From Hectic to Healthy." They spoke with The Christian Post about the struggle to move from hectic, harmful behaviors to healthy mindsets ...

Miss. Church Asks for Forgiveness for Barring Black Wedding

Amid public outcry over its refusal to wed a black couple, First Baptist Church of Crystal Springs, Miss., issued an apology Sunday, expressing regret and admitting to being wrong.

Sikh Temple Shooting: What Is a Sikh?

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Boy Scouts' Rejection of Gay Leaders Prompts Members to Return Medals

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Pat Robertson Links 'Hate' of God to Wis. Sikh Temple Shooting

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Texas Pastor Tells Church to Vote for Jesus but Not as US President

A megachurch in San Antonio, Texas, is not going ...

Oxford Clothing Rule Scrapped, Male Students May Wear Skirts at University

Male students at Oxford University are now able ...



Terrell Owens Signs With Seahawks Months After Declaring Faith in 'God's Plan'

By Christine Thomasos

Terrell Owens officially made his way back into the NFL Monday, signing with the Seattle Seahawks after relying on his faith to bring him past injuries, personal struggles and naysayers.

Team USA hurdler Lori "Lolo" Jones, who celebrated her 30th birthday in London on Sunday, has confirmed an observation made by fans on Twitter that she had indeed mouthed Philippians 4:13 before taking off from the blocks Monday morning in heat one of the women's 100-meter hurdles.

Jamie Nieto is an Olympian who has starred in the recently released film "Jerusalem Countdown." He took the time to speak with The Christian Post while at the 2012 Olympics in London.

Steve Harvey, 55-year-old comedian, headlined his very last stand-up comedy show with tears while giving glory to God last week at the the MGM Grand in Las Vegas.


consider humanism

Richard Dawkins' Faith Festival Invitation Protested by Scottish Christians

By Stoyan Zaimov

Renowned author and biologist Richard Dawkins has been invited to speak at the faith-themed Faclan Hebridean Book Festival in Scotland, and some local church groups have questioned how the atheist professor's presence would benefit attendees.

The French Catholic Church will revive a centuries-old custom next week with an updated national "prayer for France" opposing the legalization of same-sex marriage and other "grave social" reforms planned by the new government.

As Scotland prepares to become the first country in the United Kingdom to legalize same-sex marriage by 2015, a Catholic bishop has suggested that changing the traditional definition of marriage could open up the gates to bigamy and incest.

A month after Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi was sworn in as the president of Egypt, the Coptic church's fear has come true. The church's interim head said on Saturday that Christians were not fairly represented in the newly formed Cabinet, and facing a rise in attacks.

Gay Couple Celebrates Wedding in Malaysia Despite Anti-Homosexuality Laws

A gay couple recently celebrated their wedding ...

British Court Convicts Pakistani-Born Parents for 'Honor' Killing

A court has sentenced a Pakistani-born couple, ...

Syrians 'Are Terrified' and in Serious Need, Says Christian Bishop

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Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade Protested as 'Impurity and Abomination'

The 10th Annual Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade took ...

Evidence of Biblical Samson's Fight With Lion Possibly Discovered in Israel

An Israeli excavation team believes it has found ...

Terrorist Group Releases India Missionary

Pastor Ponnachan George, a senior leader of ...

Tech & Biz

Official Image of the Samsung Galaxy S3

Samsung Galaxy S3 Smartphone Review

By Vincent Funaro

The Samsung Galaxy S3 is arguably the hottest smartphone in the market at this time and The Christian Post can say first hand that it does not disappoint. We had the opportunity to spend some time testing the device and for the most part, it lives up to the hype. Here is our hands-on review of the Samsung Galaxy S3.

New Mars photos have amazed scientists as the first pictures from the Curiosity Mars Rover have been released. The rest of the stunning photos from the red planet will be revealed next week, according to reports.

The YouTube application will no longer available on iOS devices once the software is updated, according to various sources.

A Best Buy offer has valued the company at $8.16 billion to $8.84 billion. That equates to between $24 to $26 per share. That valuation has left many analysts uncomfortable that the price is inadequate for the world's largest consumer electronics chain.

The 'Olympics of Ministry' Define 'Success' Differently

By Dan Delzell

As Olympians are currently striving in London to earn medals and get on the platform, I think of all the Christians in the world today who are focused on winning a different kind of medal. St. Paul described this holy pursuit with these words: "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:14)


Homeschoolers, Christian Schools Concerned About 'Race to the Top' Standards

By Napp Nazworth


Christian school leaders, both homeschooling and private, are worried that federal education policies will infringe upon their autonomy.


'Obama's America 2016' Movie Producer: People Need to Get Educated

By Alex Murashko

Obama America

Film producer Gerald R. Molen, best known for his Academy Award-winning Best Picture "Schindler's List," was so impressed with the premise for a movie aimed at showing how President Obama's past life has influenced his political worldview that he did something for the first time in his 55-year career: He produced a documentary. Below is the exclusive interview with Molen.


What Humpty Dumpty Can Teach Us About Sexual Purity

By Greg Stier

Greg Stier

Although this strange and ancient nursery rhyme may not seem relevant today, it does contain a few helpful lessons for us, especially as we seek to stay pure in an increasingly sexualized culture of compromise.


Gore Vidal and the Sky God

By R. Albert Mohler, Jr.

Gore Vidal

The death of author and controversialist Gore Vidal last week brought an end to one of America's most gifted and flamboyantly offensive literary voices. In his 1992 Lowell Lecture at Harvard University, Vidal attacked not just Christianity, but the very notion of monotheism.


Diminishing the Disabled

By Ken Connor

Ken Connor

The results of a recent survey of parents of children with disabilities ran cross-grain to the mentality that characterizes our society's culture of death. The majority said that caring for their child has enriched their lives.


What Is a Christian?

By Dan Delzell


So what exactly is a Christian? Is it a person who believes certain things? Or maybe a person who does certain things? Or is it perhaps a person who experiences certain things? Yes. Bingo. That is correct....on all counts. All three of those characteristics describe what it means to be a Christian.


Unrealistic Ministry Expectations: What's a Pastor to Do?

By Paul Tripp

Paul tripp

Unrealistic expectations. I am convinced we have them because, at street level, we don't take seriously what the Bible has to say about the condition of this world. Sin has cast this world into trouble. You see the smoke and dirt of this trouble spread throughout the pages of Scripture.


Criticism of Evangelicals Displays Rank Ignorance

By Brian C Stiller

Barack Obama, Felipe Calderon, Stephen Harper

A column trashing evangelicals in Canada's national newspaper, The Globe & Mail is evidence the writer's  research is short on information, misguided by another's bias and superficial in its analysis. The author pulled in Canadian Prime Minister Harper with accusations that he is not sufficiently supporting public science because of his church affiliation with an evangelical protestant denomination.


Gabby Douglas Tweets Bible Verses; Christian Rapper Lecrae Applauds Her Devotion

By Jennifer Riley

Gold medallist Gabrielle Douglas of the U.S. waves before receiving her gold medal after the women's individual all-around gymnastics final in the North Greenwich Arena at the London 2012 Olympic Games August 2, 2012.

Gymnastics' newest cover girl Gabby Douglas may be fielding tweets from A-list celebrities ranging from Oprah to Justin Bieber (and the greatest Olympian of all time Michael Phelps, who said he watched her from the pool!), but before the tweets from the "who's who" of Hollywood were tweets of Bible verses and confessions of faith.


What Cautions Do You Have for the New Reformed Movement?

By John Piper

John Piper

My caution concerns making theology God instead of God God. Loving doing theology rather than loving God. Reformed people tend to be thoughtful. That is, they come to the Bible and they want to use their minds to make sense of it.


Lifeway and 'The Blind Side:' Another Side to the Story

By Eric Metaxas

The Blind Side

There are always two (or more) sides to a story. And that's the case with Lifeway bookstores and the "Blind Side." A friend of mine has shown me there's a bigger issue surrounding the story, and in fairness, I think it's important that you hear about it.


Call It What It Is: It's Not Adultery. It's Abuse.

By Ed Stetzer

Pastor Jack Schaap formerly of First Baptist Church of Hammond, IN during this undated file photo.

Jack Schaap has been caught up in what many are calling an "adultery scandal" and was fired this week. While it obviously is sex outside of marriage, this is not just adultery. This is abuse. I don't care what state it was in. Some have tried to compare this to other moral failures -- it is not the same thing and you should not trivialize such abuse with invalid comparisons.


Are You Blocking God From Converting You?

By Dan Delzell

Armored Heart

Anyone can be converted to Christianity....even you. If you have already been converted through faith in Christ, then you are thankful for it. That spirit of thankfulness is part of the proof that you have truly been converted. If you have not yet been converted, you have no idea how you will look at things after your conversion. You have not been there yet....all you have are preconceived ideas of what it must be like....and most of them are probably wrong.


New Documentary Highlights Broken International Adoption System

By Napp Nazworth

Craig Juntunen

At a Congressional preview hosted by Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) Tuesday, guests had the opportunity to view "Stuck," a documentary exposing the broken system of international adoption. Some of the families and adopted children featured in the film were also there, along with Foster Friess, a billionaire philanthropist who helped fund the film.


Will China Stop Forcing Abortions?

By Jim Daly

china forced sterilization

There is a big difference between 13 million abortions per year in China and nearly 1 million per year in the United States. Or is there? Regardless of the country or the circumstance, the babies involved are not consulted and the resulting loss of life is the same.


Race and the Gospel in Mississippi

By Russell D. Moore

russell d. moore

As a Mississippian and as a Baptist Christian, I cringed the other day when I heard that the First Baptist Church in Crystal Springs had moved a couple's wedding ceremony to another venue, to keep a controversy from erupting in the church.


The Stone Throwers vs. the Caring Spirit

By June Hunt

June Hunt

Anyone can develop a critical spirit by focusing on the failures of others, and obviously no one is without fault. But faultfinders feel justified in playing dual roles: both judge and jury. Meanwhile, those being judged feel unjustly criticized … compared … condemned.


Dealing With Five Common Objections to New Member Classes

By Thom S. Rainer

Thom Rainer

There is good anecdotal evidence and older research evidence to indicate new member classes are good for the health of congregations. One of the common objections to new member classes, however, is a lack of time or resources.


Aurora Aftermath

By Lane Palmer

colorado shooting

How do we anchor ourselves in the aftermath of the Aurora massacre that left us adrift in a sea of anxiety, doubt, fear and questions about the presence of an all powerful and loving God?


Former Supermodel Kathy Ireland: Jesus Loves Women and Honors Them

By Jennifer Riley

kathy ireland

Supermodel-turned-business-mogul Kathy Ireland would be the first to tell you that the beginning of her modeling career in Paris is more glamorous sounding than it actually was. But out of that lonely, uncomfortable time, her life changed forever because she found a new best friend: Jesus Christ.


Learning to Live Without Your Denominational Moniker

By Dan Delzell


If you are a Christian who prefers to stick with definitions which are found in the Bible when explaining your faith to others, try doing this sometime. Ask the spiritual leader at your church, "Is it fine if I never use our denominational label, but instead only identify myself as a 'Christian' when talking to others about my faith?" The answer you are given will tell you a lot about the amount of spiritual freedom in your congregation.


When Should You Grieve in Ministry?

By Paul Tripp

Paul tripp

Ministry, this side of eternity, will be marked by moments of grief like Samuel's. Perhaps it will be the death of a vision, the need to discipline a trusted and influential leader, the knowledge of someone plotting against your God-given authority, sinful division among leaders, a resistant congregation, or a catalog of other difficulties that can obstruct and divert the ministry of a pastor and his congregation.


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